Manchester running website supports Run England programmes
28 January 2015

Both Run! City Activators - Manchester have been working on a website which is for anyone in Manchester looking for information about recreational running.
The site links to both England Athletics and Run England websites where full information is available.
With help from Run England Leader Gavin Cameron, the site – is now live and available for people to visit. Gavin, who works in Marketing, is a LiRF and CiRF qualified leader who has made Chorlton Runners the biggest Run England group in Manchester and offered to help Activators Liam Browne and Nikki Holding with advice and support for the website. provides information for anyone and everyone interested in recreational running in Manchester. There is plenty to read and look up such as Run England groups near you, 3-2-1 routes in parks, Parkrun, Great Run Local. There is also an opportunity to sign up to a newsletter which will be sent out on a monthly basis and will provide information such as groups, races, events and useful links.
Users have been pleased with what's on offer, "It’s great that everything for Manchester is in one place." commented Ciaran, and Donna added, "It's really useful when looking for a group to run with or somewhere new to run."
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