Partners flock to John Lewis running groups


In London Run England has been working in partnership with John Lewis-Westfield in Stratford to create a workplace running group for its partners.

Paul Lewis, a coach for East End Road Runners who has been instrumental in leading a number of groups within the Newham Borough, has been leading the new John Lewis group with the help of Andre Ellis – a partner at the store.

The group started in April and over this period of time over 30 different partners have attended a number of the weekly sessions. The group have also had the added bonus of receiving great incentives via the exclusive partnership Run England has with Royal Caribbean Cruises.

The group utilises the area immediately outside the John Lewis building to do their running exercises. They are enjoying the sessions and looking forward to when the Olympic Park opens up to the public so they can spread their wings!

For more info on the John Lewis group or any other Run England group, go to and join Run England for free at

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