Run Leader Mentors put their mentoring skills into action in their Run Leader Mentor Development Day
17 November 2021
On Saturday 13th November, after more than two years, RunTogether Run Leader Mentors were able once to get together; share their ideas and experiences, as well as learn new tips and advice, at the Run Leader Mentor Development Day, thanks to the RunTogether Support Team.
While digital meetings have become almost the norm in recent times, the hands on, face to face meeting proved a real hit with the attendees and without exception the conclusion was: 'when’s the next one?'
The mentoring team has been vital in the RunTogether programme as their dedication and enthusiasm not to mention superb expertise is key in helping support and develop the 2,000 newly qualified Run Leaders who are newly qualified each year.
"The interaction, sharing of ideas, collective problem solving and discussions with one another were big reasons behind leaders attending these sessions. Putting a group of likeminded people together benefited everyone – our amazing sport, participants, and leaders. I’m really excited to see what we can achieve collectively through this winter’s webinar series,"
says Rich Ayling, England Athletics’ Club Support Manager.
Sharon, one of the attendees couldn’t agree more.
"It’s amazing what you can pick up from a session like this. I love to listen to others who ask, ‘I tried this, or have you tried that?’"
The day also provided the perfect opportunity to share some amazing numbers as regards RunTogether’s achievements in encouraging more to take up the sport of running.
RunTogether has had more than 1 million check ins to see what it’s all about and there are now close to 200,000 members completing more than a quarter of a million sessions.
And much of that success is down to the mentoring team, which is all about making running fun, friendly and inclusive. And the session about the importance of inclusion proved to be a big hit, with Liz Purbrick, England Athletics’ Inclusion Manager on hand to highlight current thinking on this hugely topical subject. “It’s all about belonging,” she says as the mentors provided some superb feedback to emphasise their experiences, especially during recent times.
“It’s been great to widen the circle of support,” says Sharon who is new to the mentoring team in 2021.
"And it's great to know that mentors can support other mentors. Much of the success of the mentoring group is understanding how they can transfer their passion and drive to others."
Their experience and knowledge of the RunTogether community is a huge asset to the movement, our Mentors provide peer to peer support, helping our new run leaders establish and manage their RunTogether Groups.
However, RunTogether has evolved since we established the Mentors, and we would like them to check in with our experienced Run Leaders too, and help them continue to develop as we see our groups grow and become more multi layered by supporting all levels of runners.