Organising a #runandtalk run for 2017
03 January 2017
In support of Time to Talk Day during the week of 28th January and 3rd February 2017 England Athletics, supported by Mind the mental health charity, are encouraging people to #runandtalk to improve their mental wellbeing through running and break down the stigma associated with mental health by getting people talking about it. England Athletics Clubs and RunTogether Groups are encouraged to set up a #runandtalk Organised Run. Below is some useful information to help you set up a #runandtalk Organised Run.
#runandtalk organised runs can only be organised an England Athletics partner, affiliated club or RunTogether/ Run England Group. They MUST be led by a UKA qualified leader or coach. Other people can organise their own runs (a group of friends, colleagues, family members, etc) - they just won’t be listed on the event page list of organised runs for the general public to join.
Organising a #runandtalk run
- Runs can be a regular club or group run or something additional to your usual activity.
- Runs must take place between Saturday 28th January and Friday 3rd February (Time to Talk Day is on Thursday 2nd February; click here to find out more)
- Runs must be at least 1 mile long but otherwise can be any distance of your choice.
- Runs can include routes with various distances (e.g. a 1 mile run and a 5 mile run).
- Runs can include walking, jogging and/or running.
- We encourage organised runs to include a social element afterwards so runners can keep on talking and to let new runners know more about your club/group and encourage them to run regularly.
- Clubs/groups can specify age restrictions of their choice but the minimum age must be 12 years (accompanied by a parent or guardian) or 16 years (unaccompanied).
- Organised runs should be open to anyone including people that are not a member of your club or group. They should be suitable for all abilities to take part including new runners.
- To organise a run simply register the information at
- Organised runs can be registered from 3rd-13th January. Registered runs will be promoted here via the Facebook event page from Monday 16th January.
- Registered organised runs will be provided with a template promotional poster and template press release to promote their runs (optional).
- Please use #runandtalk on social media when promoting your run(s).
To register a run please visit