Special Race for Life tribute to running friend


Aerobics instructor Kay Campbell has entered the Race for Life event this year to pay a touching tribute to her dear friend Jenny Carter who sadly lost her life 10 days after completing the Birkenhead Park Race for Life event in 2015 despite her deteriorating health.

Kay has completed many Race for Life events since they started 14 years ago and initially signed up to run one after losing her beloved father to throat and mouth cancer. Kay said, "After dad died, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I signed up on Father’s Day and it seemed a good day to pay tribute to him. He used to take me to Birkenhead Park as a child so it seemed perfect."

Kay met Jenny when she started coming to some of the fitness classes where Kay is an instructor.  "We hit it off straight away and become firm friends speaking every day. She always thought exercise was very important mentally and socially. After she was diagnosed she would still come to my aerobic classes with a smile on her face."

Kay wanted to help Jenny to take part.  "I said I would do it with her and help her get round. The race was so important to her and although she struggled with every step, she was determined to get round!"

Kay concluded, "This year is going to be particularly emotional because last year I did Race for Life with Jenny just before her death."

Kay will be taking part in the event this year with family and friends of all fitness levels - many of whom she has inspired to join her.

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