Local women take on their biggest running challenge yet
15 April 2016
A group of East Durham women faced their biggest challenge yet last weekend by participating in this year’s Manchester Marathon. 50 ladies took part in the event, which includes a half marathon and a relay, and two women are participating in the London Marathon, and two women are participating in the London Marathon.
Many of them, whose ages range from 18 up to early 50s only took up running last year, although some have been running for longer. All are members of one or more of the 3 local community running clubs; Peterlee Ladies' running group, Run Peterlee, and Wingate Striders.
The marathon distance is set to take participants beyond their comfort zone, so they have been preparing themselves both physically and mentally for the event. Some are doing it purely for personal reasons and to challenge themselves, while others are raising money for a charity or participating in memory of a loved one.
Running has helped the ladies lose weight, build confidence and increase their fitness levels. Without the support of each other and volunteer Running Coach; Colin Hancock, they would never have achieved what they have done so far. Colin says he is immensely proud of them all and says it has been purely down to their own determination and commitment that they have come so far already.
Peterlee Ladies' running group was set up in 2011 by Peterlee Town Council’s Sports Development in partnership with East Durham Belles; a Sport England funded project to encourage women age 16+ living in East Durham to engage in physical activity. Anyone wanting further information on any of the running groups or other activities East Durham Belles provide can contact Sharon Pounder on 0191 586 9957 or email sportsdev@peterlee.gov.uk.