De Montfort University promotes mental wellbeing with beginner running groups
09 October 2015
Students recently arriving at De Montfort University have been bombarded by the Sports Development Team with information about loads of sports clubs and activities, including the Run England Beginner Running opportunities available.
However - this year, for the first time, they have also linked up with the welfare and community team at the Students Union to ensure that this offer is also promoted and shared through this network and team.
De Montfort University understands that being active can play a huge role in mental health. Many traditional sports teams might be a bit daunting for a new student or someone new to physical activity, therefore the beginner running groups provide a unique and appealing offer.
The beginner running opportunities for students are also being linked to a Stamp Out Stigma campaign which the Students' Union are about to launch to raise awareness of mental health issues and to promote mental wellbeing.
Sports Development Coordinator Jake Betts said, "RUN DMU Beginners is all about promoting an active healthy lifestyle. We want to use running as a mechanism to assist our students in being mentally healthy too."
- If you need support with mental health related matters you can contact Mind: 0300 1233 393 Text 86463