Inspiring Hazel supported every step of the way

One member of a running group in Durham has embraced everything that Run England has to offer, which has helped her to take her running to the next level, in more ways than one.
Hazel Johnson joined the Run Aycliffe group in September 2012 following the inspirational Olympic and Paralympic Games. Having wanted to run for a while, she was encouraged to join the group after local Run England activator Sarah Watson visited her Slimming World group.
Her running has improved so much that recently she took part in the Darlington 10K as part of her training for the forthcoming Bupa Great North Run.
Sarah recently said: “Hazel has done so well over the last nine months and rain or shine she is always running, she is a great inspiration to anyone who has never run before and wants to give it a go.
“Her confidence has improved so much that she has been inspired to take part in the Bupa Great North Run this October to raise money for Cancer Research and Alzheimer’s.”
Hazel has really thrown herself into her running and, having recently completed a Leadership in Running Fitness course, she now volunteers as a group leader for the Run Aycliffe and Run Bishop groups.
Hazel encapsulates everything Run England is about, and what a great example of how running can change your life for the better. Well done Hazel!
If you’re interested in starting running or setting up a running group in County Durham contact Sarah Watson at If you’re elsewhere, head to to find a group near you.
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