As easy as 3-2-1!


The Summer edition of the Northern Running Guide has featured the York Run England 3-2-1 route with pictures and descriptions of what you can see along the way. The York 3-2-1 route crosses three historic bridges with a stunning view of Clifford's tower. Check out the article here.

Run England is the official England Athletics recreational running project which aims to get the whole nation running. The Run England 3-2-1 project aims to provide a wide range of marked running routes across the country that anyone can have a go at. Local organisers, clubs and Run England groups can mark out routes that are 3, 2 and 1 miles, km or laps.

York 3-2-1Richard Smith, Chair of the North Yorkshire Athletics Network helped to prepare the article. He said: "York is a great place to run for many reasons, the first being that it is flat. Then there are miles of traffic-free cycle routes, the river, parks and racecourse, all in one of the UK's most historic and scenic cities."

If you think you might like to start running or return to running, why not see if there is a local group near you? Click here to find out what's going on in your area. If you are in the York area, the Run York beginner group meets at the start/finish point and you can contact Richard at for more information. You can download a copy of the article pages from the very bottom of the page, or take a look at the Northern Running Guide website where you can get a free copy of the Guide.

North Yorkshire Athletics Network NYAN  3-2-1 logo

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