From non runner to half marathon runner!


Ruth Alexander joined the Racecourse Joggers running group in Northampton not too long ago, and in September she completed the Bupa Great North Run. She told Run England about her experience.

"I joined the running group in September 2009, a year after my son was born as I wanted to get fitter and finally lose the extra baby weight I was carrying.

The first week I came along I was told we were going to do an easy 1.5 mile jog. I was terrified as I knew I couldn't run that far. The Group Leaders were fantastic and said it didn't matter and to go at my own pace. They gave me the tip of 'running for two trees and then walking for two trees' for the first week. 

Within a few weeks I was running for seven or eight trees and only having to walk for one. I knew I was improving when I came home from running and told my husband that we had 'only' run two miles that week. I am not the fastest of runners and never will be but the distance I can run has increased gradually over the last 18 months and I have completed two 10k runs in the last year.

I am also took the plunge and attempted my first half marathon - the Bupa Great North Run - in September. I have found running a fantastic way of keeping fit. Being one of life's worriers I have found that running really helps keep my worries in check as well. As an added bonus I have lost weight, made some great friends and raised over £1000 for charity. Needless to say I shall be continuing to run for many years to come!"

Ruth successfully completed the 13.1 miles in three hours and four minutes. A massive achievement - Well Done Ruth!

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