Kate Macpherson


Kate Macpherson

Run Leader for Durham Mums On The Run, tells us about her journey as a Run Leader and Run Leader Mentor and how she has recently been awarded a British Empire Medal for her commitment to the sport. 

Very well deserved Kate!

"I’ve been a LiRF and then EA coach for seven years in an athletics club but set up Durham Mums on the Run nearly 5 years ago. I wanted to create a running community that would not only give women runners accessible and quality running sessions but hopefully also a place where they could make friends."

"We initially aimed at those who were on maternity leave but the group has grown over the years to encompass women of all ages and we’ve had to offer an evening session for those who’ve gone back to work! I’m really proud we have lots of grandmas on the run with two of my lovely 70+ year olds running the 7 mile Pier to Pier race this spring (and being in the top 3 of their age category!)."

What does she love about it? Everything! Seeing women achieve when they’ve always believed they were rubbish at sport, or coming back to running after pregnancy and finding a safe place to get strong again, or being stretched and challenged if they’re experienced runners. We’re really fortunate to have the use of Durham University track so we can offer track sessions that work for all abilities. And it has a great cafe so we can be found hanging out there afterwards!

"I love group coaching and working with individuals and seeing each person flourish. I love seeing people completed their first 5k or 10k or 13.1 or 26.2 or ultra! I’m also really proud of the community - honestly they look after each other and some fabulous friendships have been formed from this group."

"I’m lucky to have the most amazing team of leaders who take different pace groups on our Thursday runs, they are great at coming up with creative routes and sessions and are just a fab group of women! I wouldn’t have this medal without them because the community wouldn’t flourish without their hard work."

It’s been rewarding to be a run leader mentor for Run Together (and via my paid job at County Durham Sport). Helping other run leaders to get established and confident and seeing them encouraging runners all over Durham is brilliant.

"I was listed in the Queen’s Birthday honours in June, for a British Empire Medal (eek! Can’t quite believe I’m saying that!)."

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