500 enjoy National Trust's Speke Hall night run


Night Run is a national series of night time trail running events. The event at the National Trust's Speke Hall enabled runners to run around the gardens of the Tudor Manor house at night and/or explore the surrounding woodlands.

The event had a 2k Explorer or a 7k Adventurer option so everyone of any ability was able to enjoy themselves. It was something fun, social and a great way to explore the outdoors.

The whole event was organised by Rachael Hanlon who is the Sports Development Officer at Speke all and Nikki Holding (our Merseyside Activator) was able to help advertise and promote the event to local groups and runners. This hard work obviously paid off because the number of participants tripled from 2015 - 490 runners took part in the event.

Everyone really enjoyed the Clubbercise warm up and with everyone head to toe in neon and with lights flashing, it was quite a sight!

Not only was there a great turnout on the Saturday but over 120 runners also turned up for the monthly Trust10 event the next day!

Participants really enjoyed the event and atmosphere, "Thanks to Speke Hall, the organisers and all volunteers involved in the run, we had a great time."  Another said "Great fun at Speke Hall's Night Run tonight. Can't wait to do it again!

Speke Hall night run

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