Leeds Recreational Running Forum

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England Athletics, Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Sport would like to invite you to an open running forum on the 16th February to discuss how we can get more people active through running from disadvantaged areas of Leeds.

We would like to get like-minded people at the event to discuss how this can develop this idea and see what is currently on offer. We are looking for anyone interested getting involved to come along, this could include local run leaders, community running club / groups, teachers, parents or even commercial businesses.

The focus of the night will be around these two following topics:

  • To get a better understanding of the current landscape as to what people are doing around inactive to active and recreational running in Leeds.
  • To look at future opportunities and how we can try to harness some specific working groups where there are some key themes and groups established on the back of the meeting.

We will also have two brilliant guest speakers for the evening. The first speaker will be Tom Williams the Managing Director of parkrun UK, he will give us an insight into his philosophy on running and will talk about the success of parkrun. The second speaker is a locally based run leader who will share their experiences and how they have set up a number of successful running groups.

Event details

Topic: Engaging inactive people from across deprived areas of Leeds
Date & Time: Tuesday 16th February 2016, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Venue: Leeds University – University House, Cromer Terrace, Leeds, Yorkshire LS2 9JT
Guest speakers: Tom Williams (Managing Director of parkrun UK) and a local run leader with some great examples.

Click here if you would like to register to attend the forum

Leedscity and West Yorkshire sport logos 

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