A mountain running experience in Nepal


After a holiday in Nepal at the Everest Base Camp and surrounding area, Devon Road Runner Mark and his wife Lorraine fell in love with the country and its people.  Their guide around the chaos of Kathmandu and to basecamp was a man called Binay.

Following a return visit to the countryside of Nepal under the Himalayan Mountains to attend Binay's wedding, and inspired by an amazing team of doctors and volunteers who have helped him fund and build a hospital locally, the couple decided they wanted to share the tranquility and peaceful way of life and help the village following the devastating recent earthquakes and monsoon.

Nepal Marathon - villageSo the 10th April 2016 sees a marathon and ultra-marathon take place hosted by Binay's village.  Lorraine told us, "I would love to help them and show English people how happy you can be when you have nothing except beautiful countryside and a non-materialistic way of life.  It is so different and eye opening." 

Binay knows the countryside inside out and has devised a marathon route and when the paths are opened up again (after monsoon season) will find a suitable ultra-route.  He is a qualified guide and signed routes, marshalls etc will be there to help everyone enjoy the trails. 

Lorraine said, "Driving around the area when we visited was incredible – off roading, single lanes, steep drops, dusty and crazy! I would not have missed that experience for the world!"

Nepal MarathonAfterwards there will be a traditional Nepalese party – no disco music and lights, just stars, camp fire and enjoyment provided by the villagers with home-cooked food.  The Nepalese are the most lovely welcoming people who don’t have a lot materialistically and leave you feeling really humbled.  Everyone is self-sufficient as they do not have access to a town or supermarket as we know it. 

Lorraine continued, "After the earthquakes and living through the monsoon season under tarpaulin they are still smiling as you can see from Jenny's post on the Nepal marathon facebook page."

Nepal Marathon - road

Basic Itinerary:

Friday 8th April: Meet at hotel for a tour of Kathmandu with guide Binay.  Gather in the evening at the hotel  to discuss times etc for tomorrow’s trip.  Accommodation at this hotel .
Saturday 9th April:  2 hours by Jeep into the remote countryside. Met by the villagers who will have prepared traditional Nepalese food for us. 
Sunday 10th April: The run!    After the run we will sit under the stars, we  enjoy a celebration meal and traditional Nepalese party around the camp fire.
Monday 11th April: After a leisurely breakfast the jeeps will pick us up and take us back to Kathmandu where accommodation is provided in the hotel.  
If you would like to carry on your holiday the options are to stay a few days longer in the village and help the locals re-build after the earthquake, or take a trek into the Himalayas with Binay or even trek to Everest base camp.

If you'd like this kind of experience, a confirmation deposit is required before 30th November.  Click here for a poster and contact Lorraine for more information and to sign up.  Total cost is £200 (including 4 nights' accommodation, food, jeep transport, insurance, medical kit and post event dinner) and this is a non-profitmaking venture with everything going to the locals.

Useful links:

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