First Your Pace No Race event in Bexley launches new 3-2-1 route
28 August 2015
On Saturday 15th August, the first Your Pace No Race event in Bexley was held along the new 3-2-1 route at East Wickham Open Space.
Your Pace No Race is a friendly run offering distances of 2, 3 or 4km with no timer, no top three prizes and no race numbers – just you, your challenge distance and a fun, friendly and no pressure event.
The monthly Your Pace No Race events in Bexley are being organised with the support of So Let’s Go Running Bexley, who hold free running sessions at East Wickham Open Space on Saturday mornings at 10am. The next one is scheduled to take place on 19th September. If you are interested in taking part, come along to the park for 9.45am.
The new 3-2-1 route at East Wickham Open Space follows the tarmac path which circumnavigates the park. Along the route are exercise stations provided by Bexley Council and an outdoor gym, which can add another dimension to your exercise session.
The route has been marked utilising the Run England 3-2-1 markers on the existing posts in the park and also with new ground graphics at key points along the route.
3-2-1 is Run England’s project which aims to make it easier for anyone to get running by providing a range of marked running or jogging routes across the country that anyone can have a go at.
Local organisers, such as local authorities or further education establishments – working in partnership with athletics clubs and Run England groups – can mark safe and accurate routes that have suitable target distances to provide a range of challenges for a range of individuals, regardless of age, fitness level, aspiration or background. The routes will be permanently marked to allow people to have a go in their own time – whether it is with a friend in the morning before work or on an organised run in the evening with a running group – the measuring has been done and the markers are in place.
3-2-1 routes are displayed in a ‘Route Finder’ section of our website where local organisers who have joined forces with the 3-2-1 programme will be able to promote their routes, and the general public will be able to find local 3-2-1 routes.
Click here for further information about the East Wickham Open Space 3-2-1 route.