A massive achievement for new running recruits


Members of Run England Group J and M Running recently finished one of their Learn to Run courses with a 5K parkrun in Haywards Heath. 

The aim of the course is to achieve a 5K run at the end of the ten weeks and the course also included a talk from local physio, Alex, on avoiding injury by not doing too much too soon. 

The Clair parkrun in Sussex is a notoriously hilly course but all the group completed it and celebrated afterwards.

Run England's Sussex Running Activator Marion Hemsworth commented, "It's a massive achievement."

The next beginner course starts on Monday 15th April with over 40 applicants - it must be the sunshine persuading everyone to get out there and start running!

If you are inspired why not see if there is a group holding a beginners' course near you.  Just go to our Groupfinder page at www.runengland.org/groups.

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