runbritain's #clickyourclock now underway
02 March 2015

#clickyourclock, the newly formatted 2015 Reward Running Competition, in association with Polar, is underway at
This competition gives those who take part in runbritain licensed events and parkruns the opportunity to see their handicap score percentage improvement and to win a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor on a weekly basis. Reward Running has moved from a monthly competition that rewarded the runner who had improved their handicap score by the biggest number of points to a weekly competition that rewards the runner that has made the best improvement by percentage.
This week's leaderboard (25 February - 3 March) is being constantly updated as the results of each run are uploaded at All the runner needs to do is to #clickyourclock to find the percentage improvement and be entered into this Reward Running Competition which takes place from March to October.
The first clock clicker ever into the competition was Richard Cooper (handicap 1.7) who ran at the 3k On the Green Series in Glasgow on Friday. At the time of writing, he was in 145th position in the competition. Although he did a personal best time in this rarely run distance, he has a negative improvement as it wasn’t good enough to count for one of his five best performances for the handicap calculation. The current leader (at the time of writing) has already clicked and, if that leader stays at the top of the leader board, a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor will be winging its way to their address!
To enter the competition runners must:
- claim their handicap and then log in
- complete a runbritain licensed race or parkrun during the week of the competition
- #clickyourclock on the relevant results page
- enter before 12 noon on Wednesday
- The competition uses the results of all runbritain licensed events (including parkruns), each Wednesday to the following Tuesday, that have been uploaded by 12 noon each Wednesday.
- There will be an additional column, that conceals a clock, alongside your result. By clicking it, it will reveal the percentage change in your runbritain handicap score from that result compared to your previous highest handicap score.
- The improvement has to be absolute and so is compared to the previous best ever score. I
- n the interest of fairness, a runner will only be eligible for the prize if they have done at least three parkruns or races in the preceding six months.
Join in today at
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