Battersea Youth Running Group gets kids running in south London


A youth running group in Battersea, south London, has gone from strength to strength, encouraging lots of local young people to take up running.

Sessions are led by two inspiring running leaders including Birhan Dagne who used to be an international distance runner herself!

The youth running group is the first of its kind in the borough with the sessions including a fun and games element to help engage a young audience.

It has also linked up with local schools and housing estates in the area in a bid to get youngsters running, keeping fit and reaping the rewards of physical activity and running.

The project was supported by Public Health who helped train up the group leaders as well as Sportivate funding which helped kick-start the running club to help build on the London 2012 legacy and help young people discover sports like athletics.

This group was initiated by the Wandsworth Urban Athletics Activator Jake Waldron. To find out information on this project or if you want to get involved in athletics in Wandsworth you can contact Jake at

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