Celebrate #WhyWeRun in 2015
23 December 2014

The start of the year is a busy time for Run England groups, with many new courses starting and lots of people with health and fitness-related resolutions to encourage and motivate!
So we're inviting all our groups and members to join us in celebrating Why We Run – whether it's burning calories, getting some fresh air, saving money on the commute or relaxing and making new friends – the benefits of running are endless – and we want to spread the word!
For those who wish to take their first steps into running, Run England groups are ideal as they’re all led by qualified Group Leaders and full of like-minded people who will give support, motivation and encouragement every step of the way.
Why We Run is all about celebrating all the great benefits of running to remind ourselves 'why we run' and inspire our friends, family and colleagues to take those first steps and join a group.
We’re especially encouraging women to get involved, as research from Sport England has shown that many women want to exercise more, but aren’t doing so for a variety of reasons, particularly the fear of judgement.
There are currently more than 2,500 beginners running groups registered with Run England, all of which are led by qualified, insured group leaders who are trained in breaking down the barriers to participation. Run England groups offer the support, motivation and encouragement of like-minded people that beginners need to get started and continue running, regardless of size, shape or fitness level.
How Run England groups can get involved
1. Direct new runners towards the Why We Run landing page at www.runengland.org/whywerun where they can find out how to join Run England, find their local group and celebrate their success on social media. There are also rewards and incentives to unlock by joining Run England. Current members already receive a £15 Sweatshop running shoes voucher as well as other offers sent out in our eRunner newsletter, but keep an eye out in the New Year as we’ll be announcing more incentives and prizes.
2. Publicise your group in January to encourage those who want to start running to do so with your support! Share the social sharing resources and posters on social media, websites, blogs and around your local area to motivate your group and encourage new runners. Group Leaders can find these resources on the Why We Run page in the Group Leader Area.
3. Celebrate Why We Run! Share your running pictures on Twitter and Instagram using the #whywerun hashtag. Check out our promotional video below!
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