
Run Leader and Runner of the Month award nominations

A chance for Run Leaders to nominate deserving runners and runners to nominate a fabulous Run Leader!

We are pleased to announce we have monthly RunTogether Awards again, thanks to the support of Kukri.

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Each month we will ask you to nominate and we will announce winners. Bi-monthly we will have a Run Leader Awards winner and a Runner Award winner.

  • RunTogether HQ and Kukri will judge the entries and thereafter reach out to all nominators with our decisions.
  • Nominations that do not result in a winning decision will be carried over to the next award judging (bi monthly) and up to a maximum of three times. Each time all carried forward nominations will be judged again alongside new entries.
  • Winners will receive a prize from Kukri and this prize may differ from award to award.
  • Nominations will now need to be submitted to RunTogether HQ via the Awards Nominations Form below.
  • Only Run Leaders can nominate Runners.
  • Only Runners can nominate Run Leaders.

Click here to read about August's winner Nicola Heron (Run Leader, LetsRunRugby).

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Every month we will announce an Award Winner but these awards will bi-monthly. We start in August 2021 with the Run Leader Award and in September 2021 we will start the Runner Award.

Each Award Winner will receive a prize from Kukri but the prize will be at the discretion of Kukri.

All you need to do now is to submit a nomination - thank you!

Nominate a Run Leader or Runner