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RunTogether with your baby

Author: Wendy Rumble

Getting fit after you have had a baby is a real challenge, but if you are a parent I don’t need to tell you this.

Just because you decided to have a family doesn’t mean that you don’t want to be fit and healthy. But the majority of folk have lost it from their routine whilst being pregnant or recovering post-birth, and we all know what happens when you get out of the habit of doing something.

Of course, it varies by person, in a 2009 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, for instance, researchers found that it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to make behaviours happen "automatically." In fact, getting back to your normal shape and feeling fit and strong is massively beneficial on mums physical and mental well-being after childbirth.

From walking the Silvercross pram of the 50’s, to celebrity exercise DVD’s in the noughties and then more recently buggy bootcamp classes, the fitness options are improving for mums. However, it’s an area that we are massively behind our cousins in the States and Australia where running with a buggy is much more popular than over here.

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Having a buggy suitable for running with means that you can pop out at your convenience, which is a hugely valuable thing when working around a baby’/toddler’s day.  It doesn’t have to be a special route, most mums find a trip to the library, school drop off or during naps the perfect time to fit in a run. 

Finding a buggy which is suitable for running can be difficult due to the frustrating nature of the industry.  In my experience,  some buggies called SPORT or JOGGER are not ideal for either.

So, when looking for a buggy that’s suitable for running, look for the following features:

  • a front wheel that is fixed or can be locked
  • suspension
  • 5 point safety harness
  • hand brake
  • large (16 inch minimum) air filled tyres; and
  • a wrist strap.

And why is buggy running so awesome? Here are my top 5 reasons!

  • It's the ultimate way to multitask.  Exercising, baby napping, mail posted, milk bought…I could go on.
  • Dads can earn brownie points by taking the little one out for a run and giving mum a break.  (Big fans of this)
  • When you consider the cost of a crèche at the gym, the buggy option is much cheaper, working out at about £2.35 per run. (Approx one a week for 3 years and the cost of the buggy dependent obviously)
  • Fresh air & sunlight rock.  They make you and baby feel better. It's true what your mother used to tell you, vitamin D is essential for life and those happiness hormones we need a boost of when sleep deprived.
  • You are setting the perfect example to your children about staying fit and exercising as a team.  You are their superhero role model and remember they learn by watching!
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Notes on Author:

Wendy Rumble is a running and working mum of 2 girls, Lila 4 and Heidi 1.5 yr s old.  Wendy started up in 2015 as the first and only UK online retailer to specialize in running buggies.  She offers 121 advice and is on a mission to get more parents out running with their children.

Visit Wendy's website