Our traditional Winter Route but with the Yewstock Warm Up Loop in advance.
The Winter Route is used on a Thursday Night during the winter months, when dark. The warm up loop is optional.
From Club House proceed out to Yewstock Crescent and do a loop, returning to gravel car park.
Cross road at Pedestrian crossing and head towards the double roundabout (the Folly). Turn left into Hungedown Lane.
Run down Hungerdown Lane to the Pheasant Pub, turn left, and follow path up hill past hospital, down hill.
Keep on path and follow round corner, past Ivy Lane School and under the arches.
After arches cross road at crossing and proceed up New Road to La Passion resturant. Run around front of resturant and then turn left and run up Malmesbury Hill all the way to the top and the traffic lights.
At the top turn left and back down the hill past the secondary schools. At double roundabout turnleft and run back to gravel car park.