Treskillard 3-2-1 Route

Filtrick Lane, Pool, Cornwall, TR16 6JX


Running distance: 3 m

About this run route

Start / Finish

Park in car park off Filtrick Lane

This is an out and back route which starts in the Wheel Frances Car Park on Filtrick Lane.  To start the route you will need to cross the road and then follow the Great Falt Lode pathway for approximately 500 m.  You will then need to cross over a road and then continue to follow the path for approximately 1 mile and you will then reach a gate leading to a main road.  once you reach this gate you will need to turn around and retrace your steps back to the car park.  Once you reach the car park continue past the car park which will lead you through the mine shafts of the Old Flat Lode.  You will then reach a further gate where you will need to return back to the car park.

Please note:

The layout and usage of the marked 3-2-1 running routes is the responsibility of the local authority or further education establishment that purchases the route marking signs and usual health and safety and duty of care considerations should be followed in laying out open, even-surfaced, easy-to-follow, safe, accurate, well lit routes at all times - with the landowner’s permission. RunTogether will not provide materials with which to attach the markers.