Three Brooks (Bradley Stoke)

Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre, Fiddlers Wood Lane, Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire, BS32 9BS


Running distance: 1 km

About this run route

Start / Finish

The routes all start at the entrance to Savages Wood behind the leisure centre

Three Brooks 3-2-1 Routes in Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire, follow an 'out and back' format along predominantly gravel path with 500m intervals marked out along with directional posts as well.

There are multiple turn back points, giving users the option to do 1km, 2km or 3km routes.

The route is mainly flat, with a 100m section of downhill at the start and uphill at the finish. We hope you enjoy using our route!

Please note:

The layout and usage of the marked 3-2-1 running routes is the responsibility of the local authority or further education establishment that purchases the route marking signs and usual health and safety and duty of care considerations should be followed in laying out open, even-surfaced, easy-to-follow, safe, accurate, well lit routes at all times - with the landowner’s permission. RunTogether will not provide materials with which to attach the markers.