RunFit Chorley EWWW Run

Buckshaw Parkway Railway Station, PR7 7EY


Running distance: 5 km

About this run route

Start / Finish

Buckshaw Parkway Railway Station

Mainly flat 5k down Euxton, Washington and Whinney Lanes

Partly on grass and roads without pavements

Leave the carpark through the back gate past the children’s play park

Turn left on to Central Avenue and head over the railway bridge to the traffic lights

Turn left onto Euxton Lane

Cross at the business park lights and continue to the roundabout

**Unpaved grass section** Turn right on to West Way and continue Washington Lane

**Unpaved** Turn right onto Washington Lane to Whinney Lane

**Unpaved** Turn right onto Whinney Lane and follow it all the way back to Euxton Lane

Turn left onto Euxton Lane and cross at the lights to the far side of Central Avenue

Head back to the carpark taking the path on the left just by the pelican crossing