King George V Playing Fields 3-2-1 Route

King George V Playing Fields, Westerleigh Road, Downend, South Gloucestershire, BS16 6AU


Running distance: 0.7 km

About this run route

Start / Finish

Start on the path on the right hand side of the main entrance as you enter. Finish in same place (700m).

The route is suitable for beginners and improvers alike. 

The circular loop of the playing fields is 700m long and on even and distinct paths making it perfect for beginners. The route is  largley flat with some gentle  inclines and declines throughout but there is one slightly steeper  incline towards the end of the loop.   For improving runners or those who want more of a challenge, 7 complete laps is just under 5k and 4 laps is just under 3k.

3-2-1 markers are placed at every 100m making it ideal for training purposes. 

Please be mindful of other park users and dogs off their leads.

Please note:

The layout and usage of the marked 3-2-1 running routes is the responsibility of the local authority or further education establishment that purchases the route marking signs and usual health and safety and duty of care considerations should be followed in laying out open, even-surfaced, easy-to-follow, safe, accurate, well lit routes at all times - with the landowner’s permission. RunTogether will not provide materials with which to attach the markers.