Heaton Park 3-2-1 (Route 1)
Heaton Park, Sheepfoot Lane, Prestwich, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M25 0DL
DIRECTIONS TO THE START POINTRunning distance: 1.22 km
About this run route
Start / Finish
Heaton Park – Lakeside Car Park
The Heaton Park 3-2-1 route comprises of three separate easy access, accurately marked and enjoyable routes of varying distances. All three routes are set within the safe surroundings of the park using a variety of main paths and off road tracks. All routes start and finish in the same place on the path leading to the Lakeside Car Park.
Route 1 takes you clockwise on one lap of the lake. The route starts on an uneven dirt path at the back of the lake and follows it round to pick up one of the main paths in the park and runs in front of the Lakeside Cafe, which can get quite busy at peak times. The route then turns right picking up the uneven dirt track leading back to the finish. This route is short and flat.
We always advise running with a partner or a group as a great way of motivation as well as safety so why not bring along a jogging partner to enjoy the Heaton Park 3-2-1, alternatively get involved with our Heaton Park Run England group.
Please note:
The layout and usage of the marked 3-2-1 running routes is the responsibility of the local authority or further education establishment that purchases the route marking signs and usual health and safety and duty of care considerations should be followed in laying out open, even-surfaced, easy-to-follow, safe, accurate, well lit routes at all times - with the landowner’s permission. RunTogether will not provide materials with which to attach the markers.