Leave Somewhere Else via Tetbury Rd and head under the dual carriageway onto Chesterton Lane then turn right onto Cranhams Lane. Follow Cranhams all the way to the mini roundabout and turn left then at the cross roads turn right back onto Chesterton Lane and follow past Budgens & Lidl before heading under the dual carriageway by Screw Fix. Turn right onto Victoria Rd and follow to the end before turning right and right again onto Beeches Rd. At the Golden Farm Pub turn right and follow the full Golden Farm Loop around North Home Rd then join the footpath behind the football club and follow past the back of Kingshill School. At the main rd turn left towards town then at the Beeches Roundabout join Grove Lane and follow until you reach the Texaco Garage then turn left and head back to Somewhere Else via Gloucester St, Thomas St & Park St.