Interested in becoming a running group leader?
23 September 2013

Run England is England Athletics' official recreational running project and the fastest growing in the country. Almost 50K people have got involved so why not be part of it and set up a running group near you?
Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) is a one day intensive training course designed to give candidates the opportunity to develop skills in leadership within a run group. The course covers all aspects from planning and delivering a session to common injury and energy systems. LiRF is the perfect way to set you up for leadership and with continued information and advice from your local Activator, Area Coordinator, and the Run England website leading a running group could not be more enjoyable.
You don’t need speed to lead
The only attribute you need to become a group leader is a passion to help others achieve. If you already run, you don't even need that much free time as you could replace your runs with group sessions. LiRF costs are very reasonable and what's more, due to funding from Sport England there could well be an opportunity to sit the course at a heavily subsidised rate if not for free near you!
If you are already part of a running group why not train to support your existing leader and gain some new skills along the way? Leadership allows you to be challenged in supporting people with various goals and aspirations and gives you the buzz of satisfaction when you help someone reach their goal, whether it be running their first mile non-stop or helping them develop the confidence to enter an event for charity.
If you are part of a running club, registering a beginner's group can help recruit new members and volunteers as well as increase revenue.
How to get involved
For more information on setting up a group, visit
Once your group is registered with Run England, you will be able to take advantage of the useful downloads for group leaders, and your group will be publicised on our group finder map.
For more information on LiRF courses please contact your Run England Area Coordinator:
North: Craig Blain
South: Louise Milne
South West & Midlands: Charlotte Fisher
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