Funding inspires new running groups in Devon


Active Devon have been successful securing Lottery funding from Sport England to inspire 1634 people across the county take up running by March 2013.

The £48k project, in partnership with Run England will identify group leaders and provide them with training in the Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) course, enabling them to set up sociable, informal running groups for beginners. The project will be delivered locally by a number of partners across the county.

By becoming a volunteer group leader, people can also become one of 40,000 Sport Makers providing not only get the skills, knowledge and opportunities you need to get more people playing sport, but also the opportunity to become part of the official London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic sports legacy.

Matt Evans, Active Devon Chief Executive said: “We are delighted to have successfully applied for this funding from Sport England. What is particularly exciting about this project is that it will enable people to get involved in activity at a very informal level. You don’t have to be an Olympic level athlete to get out and enjoy a jog or a run with few friends and with this programme you’ll be able to join in at your own pace. I’m sure that this will be another opportunity for Active Devon and our local network of delivery partners to create a really tangible and locally relevant legacy from this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic Games“.

Charlotte Fisher, Run England Area Coordinator for the South West added: “This is an exciting opportunity for the county. Devon already has a strong tradition of providing opportunities for people to run, but this project will enable many more people across the county to discover the fun of running and the benefits it brings. Run England groups and leaders provide the perfect informal setting and level of support for those who are new to running or taking it up after many years of absence. Leaders are at heart of this project and you don’t need speed to lead a group successfully. I would urge anyone (no matter how slow) who loves running and wants to share that enthusiasm with others to get in touch and be part of this project.” 

It is anticipated that the funding will enable new running groups to be established at a variety of locations including workplaces, schools and universities, sports clubs and community settings. Help is also available to existing group leaders to create new groups and support existing groups to accommodate new members.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a running group leader, or starting a new group, visit or contact Dan Pulsford on 01392 263674 or

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