Strideout take Yorkshire and Humber Run Group of the Year award


In Yorkshire and Humber the yearly recognition of the volunteers at grass roots athletics and running in the region is made.

Officials, coaches, volunteers, run leaders and clubs are nominated for awards in their respected capacities and on the night the winners are announced.

One such award was Run Group / Leader of the Year and this year it was won by Sheffield’s Run England ambassadors ‘Strideout’.  Local England Athletics Club and Coach Support Officer Emma Hurst presented Sheffield’s Run England ambassadors ‘Strideout’ with their award at a gala presentation evening.

Having set up multiple sessions, on various days, for a variety of ages, the group have made it their mission to paint the steely city in a sea of purple.  Gaye Fletcher, group leader, commented - “We already ran and noticed lots of mums hanging around the leisure centre while their kids did activities, so we thought… let’s start something.”

Next year it could be the time to shine for you or your running group.  Meanwhile, if you have an inspiring story or leader that you'd like to share on the Run England website, get in touch with webmaster Nicola Evans

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