Draycot Estate

Sutton Benger, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 4RP


Running distance: 3.1 m

About this run route

Start / Finish

Sutton Benger Village Hall

A trail run starting from Sutton Benger through the Draycot Estate, with fabulous views and you might come across some deer in the estate.

Starting from the village hall turn left and immediately right into Bell Lane. Turn left and cross the High Street, taking the turning on the right into Park Lane. At the end of Park Lane follow the footpath into 'The Park' estate.

Continue with the children's play area on your left, then turn left and take the next right. At the end of the road take the footpath which leads to a crossing over the brook.

Cross the brook and follow a path through the field uphill heading to the left hand corner. Keep heading north, as you reach the top of the hill, keep the clump of trees to your left. Continue north to the hedgerow. Cross a stile by a wall behind Draycot Cottage. Follow the narrow path alongside the wall. Continue in a westerly direction keeping the hedgerow close to your right .

Continue through the coppice (or go around it). Keep heading west until you approach a bridge. Turn left and follow the edge of the field downhill towards some houses. As you reach the bottom of the field, turn left along the edge of the field. Cross into the next field then immediately head back uphill towards the top of the field. Cross a stile halfway along the top of the field and continue uphill to the far corner of the field near to Draycot Cottage. Turn left to follow the footpath that runs behind Draycot Cottage. You are now on the footpath that you came out on earlier. Return to the village hall following the same path.